MyWriMo Day 16

After a reasonably productive first week of MyWriMo the second week was a total disaster.

Life and all its happenings combined to use up my days. Each day I’d say, ‘I will write this evening,’ but come evening time when I sit at the computer I find my brain has already tucked itself under the duvet and gone to sleep. I wrote maybe two hundred words in total.

So this week I have resolved to do better. I am enjoying writing this story and have lots of ideas so I do want to get on with it. That said, maybe you can relate to the ‘I’ve got an amazing idea but I’m terrified that if I write it down I will see that it’s rubbish’ syndrome.

Or the well-known imposter syndrome, when I read what I’m writing and see only the inadequacies of it, and conclude I should give up immediately because I can’t call myself a writer if this is the best I can do.

However two days into this week and I have managed to write nearly three and a half thousand words, taking me up to close on ten thousand, so I am pleased with that. Whether it’s any good or whether it would survive an editor is irrelevant at the moment.

I’ve also written two thousand words for a radio talk. Get me! Writing like there’s no tomorrow.

If you’re doing NaNoWriMo in any form I hope you’re happy with your progress regardless of word count. Any writing is good, That’s what I tell myself and what I’m telling you.