MyWriMo Day 8

A mixed sort of week. I began by sketching out ideas in my new notebook. I felt it important to have some idea of direction before beginning. Although I had a theme/idea I wanted to explore that was about as far as it went.

So Monday and Tuesday I spent jotting down thoughts, questions, and decisions (none). Wednesday I decided this was pointless: I was no closer to a conclusion than when I’d begun. There was only one thing for it: start writing.

Now, it might seem strange to start writing when you don’t know where you’re going but I find this way works best for me. In the planners v pantsers I am definitely a pantser. And what do you know? It’s writing itself.

Great-auntie Annie has written herself into the story as has Mark Adams, neither of whom were even a twinkle in my eye before I began, but both of whom will prove to be important in the development and conclusion of the story. (NO, I don’t know exactly what that conclusion will be but Mark Adams will absolutely get his comeuppance and Great-auntie Annie will have her story rewritten.) I am quite excited about this now although it might have been inevitable that there would be a great-aunt popping up as they do rather feature in my writing.

By Friday evening I had written nearly 5,000 words. Saturday was a no writing day – too much rugby on television – as was Sunday because I couldn’t shake any words out of my brain. Today I have written just over 1,000 – taking my total to 6,298. Which I’m happy with. As I said before I began, this is MyWriMo.

Meanwhile enjoy this rather marvellous cartoon.