Trick or Prayer?

I’m not a fan of Halloween.

I wrote about my reasons in an article for a local magazine so I won’t go into here but, while researching the subject, I did find some fascinating snippets.

In the church calendar November 1st is All Saints or All Hallows Day, when the saints in heaven are remembered. Even before that in pagan tradition this time was believed to be when the veils between the worlds of life and death were thinnest and the spirits could rise and mingle with the living.

So for a very long time it has been traditional to think of, pray for, celebrate the dead on All Hallows Eve. One particular custom was for beggars to call on the houses of rich men and offer to pray for the souls of their dead. In return they were given something to eat, sometimes a small cake that became known as soul cakes.

I came across a recipe for soul cakes and gave it a try. Let’s just say, the rich obviously didn’t believe in spoiling the beggars. Not recommended. Not inedible but …

soul cakes