MyWriMo Day 1

So, it’s November 1st, and NaNoWriMo begins, or in my case, as I’m not planning on writing 50,000 words (the target of NaNoWriMo) MyWriMo. If I get to the end of November and have only written 1,000 words I shall be pleased.

But I would hope to manage a little more than that. But that said all I have at the moment is a vague idea. A very hazy idea at that. I know the protagonist is a woman, and probably a middle-aged one, but other than that what I have is questions.

Shall I write in first or third person? Comedy or serious? Speculative or realism? Where will it go? Indeed, where will it begin?

‘To begin at the beginning’ as the most famous Welsh writer said in Under Milk Wood. The ideas I have in mind are all serious so I’m thinking that’s the way. I always intended this to be a more literary novel but humour comes naturally to me. Not that you can’t have a comedic literary masterpiece but I don’t write that sort of subtle wry humour.

It will definitely be more speculative in nature than my previous books. Incidentally I only found out recently what speculative fiction is. In case you’re puzzled by the description let me tell you what Bookbub said:

“There has to be a “speculative” element — the story has to imagine that something that doesn’t actually/presently exist could in fact exist; merely inventing a fictional country to set your story in, for example, isn’t speculative, because countries exist.”

The idea I have would certainly be speculative but I’m not sure how it would tie in with the main story I have in mind. Whether it would be relevant or not. Maybe I have two novels here. In which case I could do the funny speculative one.

The story I have in my head is very dark and worth writing but maybe not yet. Hm, could I actually be getting somewhere? Could the haze be clearing?

I feel excited at the prospect. Watch this space.

If you’re participating in NaNoWriMo, please comment and let me know so I can follow your progress.